Proportions and Metrology
of the Parthenon
The work is based on the following hypothesis:
I. Portioning of the buildings in Ancient Greece was performed by means
ааааааааааааof whole numbers as module relations connected with a system of the
ааааааааааа measures.
II. During the portioning of the Parthenon following measures were
ааааааааааааааааааааааааа the foot -- 0.2606 meters (1/2 of roual cubit);
ааааааааааааааааааааааааа the cubit -- 0.3909 m (3/2 feet or 3/4 of roual cubit);
ааааааааа General System of the Measures (reconstruction):
methrological standard |
Lengthа in sm. |
include |
finger |
inch |
palm |
finger |
1,629 |
1 |
¾ |
1/4 |
inch |
2,172 |
1 1/3 |
1 |
1/3 |
palm |
6,515 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
(Parthenon) |
26,06 |
16 |
12 |
4 |
foot |
32,57 |
20 |
15 |
5 |
cubit (Parthenon) |
39,09 |
24 |
18 |
6 |
attic cubit |
48,86 |
30 |
22 1/2 |
7 1/2 |
roual cubit |
52,12 |
32 |
24 |
8 |
The Motivations
A. Metrological:
1. Eratosthenes of Cyrene (234-196 BC) has defined the circumference
аааа of ааthe Earth as equal to 252000 stadias. Hence, the length of a stadia
ааа is considered equal to approximately 156-157 meters. History of
аа Herodotusа (484-426 BC) reports that a stadia is 600 feet.
ааааааааааааааааа Connecting these two facts, the length of the foot must be
аааааааааааааааааа approximately а0,26 Ц 0,265 meters.
ааааааа 2. The inscription, which was described by R.Valloisа (J.J.Coulton. Towards
аааааааааааааааа understanding greek temple design. p.86), reports that Prytaneion on the
аааааааааааааааа island of Delos (3 centuries BC) had a length of 47 orgias. The actual
ааааааааааааааа аlength of the building is 72.47 meters, that makes the length of the orgia
аааааааааааа аequal to 1.542 meters. According to Vitruvius, an orgia is 6 feet. Thence, the
ааааааааааааааfoot is equal to 0.258 meters.
ааааааа 3. During the excavations of Lagash city (southern Babilonia) was а
ааааааааааааааааfound the statuette of the ruler Gudea in the role of an architect. On the
аааааааааааааааknees of the statue is graven an architectТs straightedge. Its length is 0.263
ааааааааааааааmeters. It is divided into 16 equal parts of 0.0164 meters.
ааааааа 4. At the Museum of Fine Arts in Munich is kept two proportional
ааааааааааааааааcompasses (dividers). One of them has leg lengths equal to 0.146m and
ааааааааааааааа 0.073 meters respectively, that can be interpreted as 1/2 and 1/4 of a а
аааааааааааааааroman foot (0.292m.). The length of the legs of the other compass are
ааааааааааааа а0.134 m. and 0.067 mа that in comparison gives us the size of the foot is
аааааааааааааааequal to o.268 m.
ааааааа 5. As a result of the studies of the historian-metrologist L.V.Firsov,
аааааааааааааааthe size of the Ancient (Greece) stadia is 156 meters. Firsov has checked
ааааааааааааааа85 referrals to distances between villages (population centers) in аа
ааааааааааааааУGeographyФ of аStrabon and states that the measurements in stadia were
аааааааааааааааequal to 156 meters.
B. Anthropometrical:
2. In the 70Тs broad statistical anthropometrical measurements were
ааааааааааааааааааааorganized in the territory of the former USSR. The average length of
аааааааааааааааааааthe ааfoot of the men from different regions is presented in the table:
Region |
Averaged length of the foot of the male population in cm
Moscow |
26,034 |
Russia |
26,720 |
Armenia |
26,040 |
Georgia |
26,365 |
Dagestan |
26,132 |
Lithiania |
27,030 |
Yakutia |
24,628 |
Average arithmetical importance |
26,136 |
ааааааааа It seem unlikely that the length of ancient Greek man-s foot was longer thet the
аааааааааaverage Soviet man-s foot.
Lorensen E. Technological studies in ancient metrology. Doctorsovn.
Copenhagen, 1966.
In this thesis, the foot equals half of roual cubit. However, he gave us a determined foot-size
аof 0,268 m (the size he had shown as the distances between the midpoints of the external
columns,was excepted to equal 16 of these feet). And size of roual cubit, therefore, is 0,536 m,
аan unconvincind measurement. In metrology the royal cubit varied from 0,52 to 0,525m. Also,
Lorensen found a measure of 100 feet in the naos of the Parthenon. If the distance between
midpoints of columns of the naos equaled 10 feet, he defined the size of 100 feet as being
between abstract points of the plan of the Parthenon. One of these points is in the wall of the
cella, another is connected to the midpoints of the external columns (see plate 30). In addition,
аif the foot-size is 0,268, the distance between columns of naos must be 2,68, which is 8 sm off.
аThis error is very big for exact evidence of use these measurements.
C. architectyral and archaeologycal аMotivation s
See plates 1-32